I realize I have been neglecting my poor blog and I assure you I have good reason. I have just been too damn busy. In the past couple of weeks we have been to see Dracula at Dance Theater, I have joined a second band while the first one gears up for recording, with said first band I played one of the worst shows in my semi-professional career, the Mrs. and I led groups on a Ghost and Legends tour through our neighborhood and last night we went to see David Sedaris. Eating out has included a trips to Molly McPherson's (Good Meatloaf), Burger Co. (counter service and an OK burger), Mac's (In slow decline), Kickstand (Pretty good burger but didn't feel right the next day, may not be related, will try again), and brunch at Bistro Le Bon (So very good).
But what I really wanted to talk about was our new obsession. A good cocktail. We have always enjoyed a good cocktail but The Mrs. recently bought the book by Dr. Cocktail (Ted Haigh) book "Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails". This will probably signal a turning point in the direction of the blog, at least for awhile. I have never really had an organizing principle to this thing other than self absorption and the electronic diary function. And so, my friends I will fill you in as we make our way through the cocktails and the hard to find liquors that are included in many of them.Until next time.
A Sia Saide