Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Camping with friends

A couple of weeks back we went camping to celebrate our friends birthday. It was sort of a disaster, but we did get one magical moment out of the deal. below is the only way I can describe it.

Saturday Morning September 22nd:

We crashed out onto the beach like conquistadors in reverse. We swaggered with the cocksure steps of ownership and alcohol. The pitch black of the open ocean and sky giving way to infinity as our eyes adjusted and the world fell away. We rushed to the water. We spun in place, eyes to the heavens until our equilibrium and delirium gave way to gravity.

Adventurers who marched a half a mile and centuries back in time.

We gazed at the stars with new eyes as they shone so clear and so bright with the defiance of eternity; only to be mocked by the fleeting appearance of shooting stars hither and yon. Lying on our backs in a row contemplating the universe like our fifteen year old selves, basking in the knowledge there was some unknown secret that would, someday, be revealed to us. Sluffing off the weight of expectations we had accumulated through the years. We were not celebrating a birthday, but all birthdays, and as Miles Davis wailed through the darkness, with his unspoken refrain of "so what" turning in our minds, we recaptured a moment we had all thought was lost years ago.