Monday, February 27, 2012

Oh dear, where has the time gone

SO, it has been almost a year since my last confession, er, I mean post. Honestly not much happened last year. Work, work and other stuff.

But, I find myself at the beginning of another adventure and a renewed conviction to my writing, seeing as I have something to bore you with again. The Mrs. and I are in the beginning stages of planning a trip that I have been excited about since the mere mention of it's possibility and babbling on about to anyone who would listen. A trip to Russia.

Now, I have no real love or devotion to the country but when my sister-in-law and her awesome husband found themselves contemplating a move there; I, selfishly, first thought of how great it would be to be able to visit. How often do you get that opportunity? And now, it's go time.
We are planning a winter visit to be in St.Petersburg around Christmas and Moscow for New Years. I'm sure it will be a great adventure just navigating the Visa process. I have already picked up some guides and found some great resources. It may seem early to be planning trip 10 months away but I'm to excited to wait. If you would like to learn more about living in Russia you can follow my sister-in-law here.

In other news I am in the midst of my annual detox that coincides with Lent but has no religious meaning. I just need to give my liver a break. For this reason we call it Lint in our house. The prohibition will be lifted on Easter Sunday with an orgy of alcohol, food and friendship where everyone keeps their pants on.

A Sia Saide

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